Produits Naturels Chimie & Recherche

ISSN - 2329-6836

Volume 8, Problème 1 (2020)

article de recherche

In vitro Anti-microbial Activity and Wound Healing Evaluation of Acacia Gum Arabia Aqueous Cream

Suliman RS*, Ali H, Alamer A, Aleid N, Abu-Jafal A, Abdulgadir R, Omer M

article de recherche

Triterpenic Glycosydic Component Isolated from the Holoturian Holothuria Floridana Inhabiting the Cuban Archipelago

María Teresa Cabrera-Pedroso, Juan Enrique Tacoronte-Morales, Martha Maria Fors*

article de recherche

Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Curcumin Derivatives

Siukan Law, Chuiman Lo, Jie Han, Fanwen Yang, Albert Wingnang Leung, Chuanshan Xu*