Correlation Between Serum Magnesium Level and Hba1c in Glyce | 56195

Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

ISSN - 2155-6156


Correlation Between Serum Magnesium Level and Hba1c in Glycemic Control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

John Thomas Palathingal, Lekha Thomas

Background: Type II Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by impaired insulin secretion and resistance to insulin action resulting in hyperglycemia. Magnesium plays an important role in insulin secretion, insulin binding, and homeostasis. Magnesium acts directly on glucose metabolism through its role as a cofactor in the phosphorylation of glucose. Hypomagnesaemia is often left undiagnosed in diabetic subjects. Recent studies reveal that chronic deficiency of magnesium may contribute to systemic inflammation and insulin resistance.

Aim: The study is to find the correlation between serum Magnesium level and HbA1c in glycemic control of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients.

Materials and Method: This is a prospective observational study conducted by analyzing the HbA1C and Serum Magnesium in a tertiary care hospital, Chennai. We categorized into three different study population, to find out whether there is any correlation between magnesium levels and glycemic control in diabetic patients. The obtained values were subjected to statistical analysis by Analysis of variance with post hoc analysis and determination of correlation coefficient.

Results: The results proved that the HbA1c and the serum magnesium levels showed inverse variation each other.

Conclusion: The results proved that if serum magnesium values are made to rise, glycemic control is better and HbA1c values will fall thus proving that serum magnesium plays a major role in glycemic control. Hence, its association with HbA1c value, which indicates the level of glycemic control, would be, if found out, a very valuable addition to the fund of knowledge in healthcare.