Behavioral Psychology | 64534

Journal of Psychological Abnormalities

ISSN - 2471-9900


Behavioral Psychology

Hagler A.

The relationships between feelings, emotions, beliefs, and behaviours are studied in behavioural psychology. It explores ways to change dysfunctional behaviour and discover more constructive and healthy ways to act as a field of both research and clinical applications. Clinical psychotherapy is characterized similarly in psychology as the study of how thoughts, emotions, and beliefs affect and even regulate actions. Behavioral psychology also investigates how one's actions can affect one's cognition. This branch, also known as behaviorism, is based on the idea that behavior-modifying interventions can help people with behavioural and emotional problems. Applied behavior analysis, behavior modification, cognitive therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy are the four recognized sub-disciplines of behavioural psychology. If you're having trouble breaking bad habits, creating new healthy ones, teaching your children right from wrong, or controlling your staff using behaviourism theories, the best thing you can do is learn more about this branch of psychology. There are numerous books and articles available on the subject, particularly for developing and breaking habits.